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Πως γράφω κριτική; Είμαι Συγγραφέας Είμαι Εκδότης Είμαι Βιβλιοπώλης Live streaming / Video
Andrew Louth
Συγγραφέας (Author) Ανθολόγος (Anthologist) Εισηγητής (Introduction)

Fr. Andrew Louth studied Mathematics and Theology at the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh, while his thesis dealt with Karl Barth. After graduation he taught early Christian theology and patristics at the University of Oxford and early Medieval and Byzantine history at the Goldsmiths, University of London. He is now Professor Emeritus of Patristic and Byzantine Studies at Durham University while he taught, as Visiting Professor, Eastern Orthodox Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Andrew Louth was ordained a priest of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchal Diocese of Sourozh in 2003, and he serves a parish in Durham (UK), while he is editor of the journal Sobornost and member of the scientific committees of several international journals. His interests in research lie mostly in the history of theology in the Greek tradition, including also modern Russian and Romanian Orthodox theology.

(Πηγή: Εκδοτική Δημητριάδος, 2023)

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